Welcome to Illini Media
Illini Media has been at the heart of communications on the University of Illinois campus for more than a century. Our successful, award-winning, student-run organization has served as an unparalleled training ground for students interested in all aspects of media operations. Countless professional writers, editors, photographers, artists, on-air talent and salespeople began their careers here, gaining practical expertise that complemented their academic experiences at the University.
Illini Media’s mission is to provide a unique experiential learning environment to complement University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign’s academic areas; to prepare Illinois students for future careers in print and digital media, broadcast, marketing, public relations, sales, fundraising and business; and to inform, enlighten and entertain the Illinois student community.
Our calling for the future is to allow our students to keep pace with rapidly changing technologies, while retaining a focus on the production of excellent work. We can meet that challenge if we continue to provide the facilities and resources that allow our students to move forward, building on the renowned reputation and legacy of former Illini Media students.
Our location and equipment set the stage for exciting progress; sending our students to media conferences and fostering relationships with professionals in their fields will also be critical in meeting our educational mission. The Illini Media board and management believe that the investment in these resources will be invaluable as our students continue to succeed here and in their future careers.
Students working at Illini Media have a hand in every facet of producing media: reporting, photography, editing, designing, broadcasting, sales, marketing and management. By offering comprehensive training, providing state-of-the-art resources and creating a challenging, fast-paced environment, we create highly marketable employees.
Professional and student media outlets throughout our nation are struggling to reinvent themselves under considerable financial pressures. Our main challenge is to build more responsive digital products and monetize them, while still clinging to diminishing print revenues.
Our students work here for the same reasons you did — they love it, they know they will make life-long friendships and gain valuable networking opportunities and they know that Illini Media offers the experiential learning component that will enhance their lifelong career. It is a difficult burden for our students to shoulder the company’s operating expenses. Illini Media’s goal is to meet the financial obligations while maintaining excellent resources and opportunities for our current students.
Reach over a million users a year!
Get a glimpse into who our readers are. Students are more likely to read their college newspaper than their local paper, and college-aged readers make up about half of digital visitors to The Daily Illini.

The Daily Illini
The Daily Illini is the source for Fighting Illini sports coverage, local news, campus information and spirited commentary, published online every day and monthly on newsstands.
Each month, The DI is available free-of-charge at over 150 distribution points throughout the community. The DI is respected as one of the leading college newspapers in the country, regularly garnering national recognition and awards.

WPGU 107.1 FM
Champaign-Urbana’s alternative radio station is on the air 24/7 with lively student personalities, alternative music, specialty programming, local news and sports reports.
Our student-run commercial station broadcasts with a 3,000-watt signal, reaching 20+ miles outside Champaign-Urbana.

Each year since 1894, Illio yearbook editors have recorded campus life and University history from student perspectives. The Illio is an impressive hardcover publication of more than 300 pages, featuring stories, photos and designs that preserve campus memories for thousands of students.