Illinois finds solutions to the world’s engineering challenges. Technograph documents them.
Fall 2019 Deadline: Sept. 9
Fall 2019 Publication: Sept. 26
Spring 2020 Deadline: March 5
Spring 2020 Publication: March 26
Technograph is Illini Media’s magazine focusing on the latest trends and advances in science and technology and its impact on everyday life that stem from the University of Illinois.
The magazine covers such diverse, timely, and mainstream topics as the balance between network security and an individual’s right to privacy, technological advances to measure head impact and concussion-like injuries in sports, how algorithms have improved prosthesis design, the development of new gels to effectively fight fires, the use of computer technology to improve crop efficiency, and the continued development of LEDs on campus.
Read previous editions in print.
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Quarter Page
Eighth Page
Back Cover
Front Interior Cover
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8,000 copies of Technograph are printed twice a year in a high-quality, full-color magazine.
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With 350 students currently involved, Illini Media has opened doors with real-world educational opportunities for 150 years.