Product Name
Subhead cras sit amet blandit urna, sit amet sodales est. Mauris sagittis ante enim, vitae maximus dui vulputate in.
Deadline: Month ##, 20##
Publication: Month ##, 20##
Description (one or two paragraphs) comes from printed sales fliers. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi et libero risus. Donec placerat augue eu mattis tincidunt. Cras sollicitudin ultricies massa. Integer vitae est purus. Aenean ut purus erat. Sed ac suscipit eros.
Fusce nulla lacus, hendrerit quis ipsum vitae, imperdiet sagittis arcu. Duis ac auctor justo. Donec elementum ex neque, id fringilla est mattis non. Vivamus at posuere nulla. Nam quis libero non lorem consequat elementum. Sed aliquam lorem eget enim rutrum aliquam.

Prices are listed at the national rate. Local businesses, nonprofits, University of Illinois departments and student organizations are eligible for discounts
Premium placement: Add 20% to place a half-page ad or larger on the back cover or inside front cover.

Double Page

Full Page
Half Page

Quarter Page

Eighth Page

Prices are listed at the national rate. Local businesses, nonprofits, University of Illinois departments and student organizations are eligible for discounts
Premium placement: Add 20% to place a half-page ad or larger on the back cover or inside front cover.

Full Page
10.25″ × 9.75″

Half Page – Horizontal
10.25″ × 4.75″

Half Page – Vertical
5″ × 9.75″

Quarter Page - Square
5″ × 4.75″

Eighth Page - Horizontal
2.46″ × 4.75″
Prices are listed at the national rate. Local businesses, nonprofits, University of Illinois departments and student organizations are eligible for discounts

Double Page

Full Page

Half Page
Quarter Page

Eighth Page

Back Cover

Front Interior Cover
Save ##% when you advertise in lorem ipsum.
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Mauris eget orci dolor.
Suspendisse consectetur tempor nisl, sed vehicula lorem sollicitudin nec. Curabitur venenatis condimentum tincidunt.
“Pellentesque ullamcorper vel lacus id rutrum. Nam imperdiet nibh a purus vulputate, eget venenatis enim consequat.”

Your business’ brand will be amplified.
Award-winning designers, writers, photographers, videographers, and business strategists complete meaningful work at a modest price.
You’ll support students developing into leaders.
With 350 students currently involved, Illini Media has opened doors with real-world educational opportunities for 150 years.