Be seen with high-profile real estate where students study, socialize and sleep.
The Daily Illini newsracks are located all over campus and the Champaign-Urbana community. The network reaches a highly-targeted audience with ads that can’t be skipped or turned off. These high-traffic areas have almost no other advertising, so you’re sure to stand out.
Choose your target location from more than 50 indoor and outdoor locations, or take over the entire campus to gain an impressive amount of attention.
Newsracks are sold by the month, and pricing includes printing, installation and maintenance.

15 outdoor racks
Most outdoor Ace newsracks have advertising available on two sides.

Save when you increase your reach.
Discounts are available when you reserve multiple ad racks or reserve for an entire semester.
Contact us
Click the icons to view details and photos.
“Choosing print advertising allows our business the flexibility to choose the size and frequency to fit our budget as we move throughout the year.”

Your business’ brand will be amplified.
Award-winning designers, writers, photographers, videographers, and business strategists complete meaningful work at a modest price.
You’ll support students developing into leaders.
With 350 students currently involved, Illini Media has opened doors with real-world educational opportunities for 150 years.