Homecoming Guide
Give your business or organization the chance to reach all of Illini nation during one of the busiest weekends of the year!
Deadline: Oct. 7, 2019
Publication: Oct. 14, 2019
Homecoming week represents the quintessential college experience. Home to die-hard fans, thrilling competition, and festive tailgating, this is the week full of events that all of campus and thousands of alumni look forward to all year. The Daily Illini’s Homecoming Guide will offer students, alumni, and fans information on events happening throughout the entire week of Homecoming. The guide, along with your ad’s message, will serve readers for the whole week of exciting events and entertainment options

Prices are listed at the national rate. Local businesses, nonprofits, University of Illinois departments and student organizations are eligible for discounts
Premium placement: Add 20% to place a half-page ad or larger on the back cover or inside front cover.

Double Page

Full Page
Half Page

Quarter Page

Eighth Page

Hotels and Booking
It’s the biggest event of the year.
With more than 470,000 living alumni, Illinois has one of the largest alumni organizations in the US. This is a unique opportunity to reach the alumni who are coming back!
“Choosing print advertising allows our business the flexibility to choose the size and frequency to fit our budget as we move throughout the year.”

Your business’ brand will be amplified.
Award-winning designers, writers, photographers, videographers, and business strategists complete meaningful work at a modest price.
You’ll support students developing into leaders.
With 350 students currently involved, Illini Media has opened doors with real-world educational opportunities for 150 years.