Move-In Edition
Before Quad Day hits, and before classes start, students are moving in to their apartments and residence halls.
Deadline: Aug. 8
Publication date: Aug. 21
Approximately 8,000 copies are distributed to students who are moving in and preparing for the year ahead. What are they doing after they finish moving in? They are decorating their living spaces, stocking their refrigerators, exploring the campus area and looking for things to do before classes start.
The edition has four sections: living, food, technology and shopping. Make sure students know about you!

Prices are listed at the national rate. Local businesses, nonprofits, University of Illinois departments and student organizations are eligible for discounts
Premium placement: Add 20% to place a half-page ad or larger on the back cover or inside front cover.

Full Page
10.25″ × 9.75″

Half Page – Horizontal
10.25″ × 4.75″

Half Page – Vertical
5″ × 9.75″

Quarter Page - Square
5″ × 4.75″

Eighth Page - Horizontal
2.46″ × 4.75″
Save 20% when you advertise in Move-In, Quad Day and Welcome Back.
Students are coming back to campus, and parents are helping them move in! View package
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Hotels and Booking
Reach a special audience with a special issue.
Articles from special sections are read hundreds of thousands of times each year, and at least 8,000 are printed per edition.
“Choosing print advertising allows our business the flexibility to choose the size and frequency to fit our budget as we move throughout the year.”

Your business’ brand will be amplified.
Award-winning designers, writers, photographers, videographers, and business strategists complete meaningful work at a modest price.
You’ll support students developing into leaders.
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